Adult Sailing


RYA Dinghy Level 1- Start Sailing

A course for complete beginners. Learn how to sail in all directions and awareness of launching and recovery


Course content: How to sail in all directions, including an awareness of launching and recovering. At the end of the course participants should be able to sail in light winds under supervision. 


Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th June 2024

9am- 5pm


Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th July 2024

9am- 5pm



RYA Dinghy Level 2- Basic Skills

Build your confidence and gain the skills needed to sail and make decisions in good conditions


Course content: Rigging, launching and building confidence sailing in all directions. Capsize recovery and essential safety knowledge.


Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th August 2024

9am - 5pm


RYA Dinghy Level 3- Better Sailing

More confident in sailing skills and techniques and ready to progress onto the advanced modules


Further coaching to consolidate the skills learned during Level 1 - Start Sailing, and Level 2 - Basic Skills. Short taster sessions from the advanced modules such as Day Sailing and Seamanship skills


Course content: Rigging, launching and building confidence sailing in all directions. Capsize recovery and essential safety knowledge. At the end of the course participants should be able to sail confidently on all points of sail and make decisions in good conditions.


There are currently no Level 3 courses available to book


Cost per Course (16 hours instruction)

EABC Members £140
Non-members £170


Equipment and instruction included in the cost. Some sailing clothing available to borrow if required.


For all courses please bring:

Sailing gear if you have it (wetsuit, waterproofs, buoyancy aid, wetsuit boots or old trainers)

Sun-cream, peaked hat and warm hat.

Towel and swimwear

Warm coat in case of poor weather

Packed lunch (for all day courses)



In the event that a course must be cancelled, the club reserves the right to cancel your booking and refund your payment in full.


If bookings are closed for this event please contact to enquire about availability. Please note that due to number restrictions we cannot guarantee you will be accepted on the day without a confirmed booking.